A creative recovery

Like many, I've been in a post-election hole. Alternating between being depressed, angry, physically ill, scared and numb, I am not ashamed to say I spent much of the last two weeks (has it really only been two weeks?!)  curled in a ball under my bed covers.

Avoiding all news and most of social media is the only way I can stay sane and productive right now.

But last week I was out and about 4 days in a row. A friend's book signing at one of my favorite bookstores helped me reconnect with friends and commiserate a little. A natural hair event held at a ladies-only co-working space boosted me with some much-needed black girl magic. Buying lipstick in a seriously out-of-character shade of neon pink lifted my spirits and made Andy laugh.

I also decided to resurrect my online store. Making things and being creative calms and grounds me when I feel like I'm losing my shit. So, just in time for the start of the holiday shopping season, check out THE SHOP.

It doesn't have a ton in it right now but my sketchbook is bursting with bits and pieces of ideas. Coffee mugs, watercolor art, notebooks, more stationery and baby name prints are in development. And I'm taking suggestions. If there is something you want to see in the shop, please get in touch and we can start the conversation.

The Shop is launching today but be sure to check back during the first week of December for new items.

This should keep me busy  -- and pleasantly distracted -- at least until inauguration day.


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